Katy Amateur Radio Society have decided to have a number of ‘Elmers’ as the diversity in todays Amateur Radio world is so high and varied we felt it was nigh on impossible for one person to handle all the traffic. if you need any assistence, advice or a general tech talk then please email them at elmer@katyars.com
John Thurmond K5JBT
Tom Greathouse AE5TG
After retiring from a career in the computer technology industry I became involved in amateur radio and subsequently joined KARS. As an active member of the club, and having served as a KARS officer, I have a strong knowledge of the members and their respective skills. If I am unable to properly address a question or issue that a member or perspective member may have, this knowledge allows me to engage the best resource within the club that can provide assistance.
I hold an Amateur Extra License and serve as a Volunteer Examiner for the club. My main amateur radio interests are portable operations, EmComm, and digital modes.