BoD Meeting October 2021
Original agenda: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Treasurer report 3. Secretary report 4. Activities coordinator report 5. General discussion Meeting notes: Our KARS…
Original agenda: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Treasurer report 3. Secretary report 4. Activities coordinator report 5. General discussion Meeting notes: Our KARS…
Minutes from the KARS BOD May 31, 2021 (Held on Wednesday June 2 due to May 31 being Memorial Day) Original agenda: 1….
Original agenda: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Treasurer report 3. Secretary report 4. Activities coordinator report 5. General discussion Meeting notes: In keeping…
Minutes from the KARS Monthly Meeting February 8, 2021 In keeping with the continuing social distancing guidelines, our KARS meeting was conducted via…
Katy Amateur Radio Society (KARS), Katy, Texas Recurring Events Event Time Location Notes KARS Net Every Tuesday, 8:00 PM KARS Repeater KT5TX 147.200(+)…
End of year party December 9th 7pm El Jaritto Restaurant 21724 Highland Knolls Dr. Katy 77450 @ 7pm
Raffle tickets NOW ON SALE under the members area.